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List Flow cards


Returns the all the flow cards available for your app.


Please check Headers and authorization.


  • app_token - required*, string - The app identifier, it can be found in the app dashboard.

Example request

The minimal request that will work

curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'auth-token: YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN'

Key/Value pairs response body

  • "title": [string] - The title of flow card.
  • "sku": [string] - The SKU of flow card.
  • "redeem_url": [string] - The redeem url of flow card.
  • "card_image": [string] - The flow card image.
  • "redeem_instructions": [string] - The flow card redeem instructions.

Example response


    "title": "Lorem flow card",
    "sku": "123kdfgf",
    "redeem_url": "",
    "card_image": "",
    "redeem_instructions": "It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout."

Status: 200 Ok

Possible error responses

Invalid app_token parameter provided

  "message": "Please provide valid app_token value and auth-token header."

Status: 403 Forbidden

Allow Flow gift card purchase checkbox is disabled for the company

  "message": "Access denied. Flow gift card purchase is not allowed for specified application's company."

Status: 403 Forbidden

Wrong auth-token

  "message": "Access denied. You are not a manager of specified application."

Status: 403 Forbidden